Layanan Visa Selandia Baru

Visa Selandia Baru 
Turis (1-3tahun beberapa kali perjalanan)

1.Paspor asli dengan minimum masa berlaku 6 bulan dari tanggal keberangkatan (cover paspor pribadi harap dilepas)
2.Paspor lama (jika ada)
4. Foto ukuran 4,5cm x 3,5cm, 2 lembar, background putih,tampak wajah 70%, tidak menggunakan baju putih atauwarna yang mendekati putih, tidak boleh kelihatan gigi, harus terlihat bahu, tidak menggunakan aksesoris seperti kacamata, topi, lensa kontak, dll

Contoh Foto Ketentuan Visa

Contoh foto sesuai ketentuan visa

5. Fotokopi KTP
6. Fotokopi Kartu Keluarga
7. Fotokopi Akta Lahir
8. Fotokopi Buku Nikah / Akta Nikah / Akta Cerai
9. Fotokopi halaman biodata paspor
10. Bukti reservasi tiket pesawat
11. Bukti reservasi hotel
12. Surat referensi bank asli dalam bahasa Inggris
13. Rekening koran minimal 3 bulan terakhir dan tambahan rekening koran bulan berjalan
14. Dokumen Pembuktian Identitas:
Jika Pegawai:
 Surat Keterangan Kerja dalam bahasa Inggris menggunakan kop surat & cap perusahaan (harus dicantumkan jabatan, periode kerja, nominal gaji, alamat, no telp, departemen, nama orang yang menerbitkan dan jaminan akan kembali ke Indonesia setelah trip selesai)
Jika Wiraswasta:
Surat Keterangan Kepemilikan Usaha dalam bahasa Inggris menggunakan kop surat & cap perusahaan (harus dicantumkan jabatan, alamat, no telp, departemen dan nama orang yang menerbitkan)
Jika Pelajar:
Surat keterangan pelajar dari tempat bersekolah saat ini dalam Bahasa Inggris
Kartu pelajar / kartu mahasiswa
Rekening Koran Orang Tua
15. Surat ijin orang tua dalam bahasa Inggris (jika anak di bawah usia 17th pergi sendiri, tanda tangan di atas materai 10.000 dan sertakan fotokopi kedua orang tua)
16. Surat ijin suami dalam bahasa Inggris (jika istri pergi sendiri, tanda tangan di atas materai 10.000 dan sertakan fotokopi KTP suami dan rekening koran suami)

Proses : 30-60 hari kerja


New Zealand Visa

Tourist (1-3 years multiple entries)

1. Original passport with a minimum validity of 6 months from the date of departure (please remove the personal passport cover)
2. An old regular passport for those who have one
3. Form INZ 1189
4. Colored photograph with size 3.5 x 4.5 cm, 2 sheets, white background, close up to your head and top of your shoulders so that your face takes up 70% of the photograph, don't use a white colored t-shirt or color close to white, don’t use any accessories such as glasses, cap, contact lenses, etc

Contoh Foto Ketentuan Visa

Sample photos according to visa requirements

5. Copy of a Valid Indonesian Identity card
6. Copy of Family Card
7. Copy of Birth Certificate
. Copy of Marriage Book/ Marriage Certificate/ Divorce Certificate
9. Copy of passport biodata page
10. Proof of flight reservation
11. Proof of hotel reservation
12. A valid bank reference letter in English
Current accounts for at least the last 3 months and an additional current account for the current month
Proof of Identity:
If you are an employee:
 Certificate of employment in English using the company letterhead and stamp (must include position, period of work, nominal salary, address, phone number, department, name of the issuing person, and guarantee that will return to Indonesia after the trip is completed)
Taxpayer Identification Number (NPWP)
If you are Self-Employed:
Certificate of business in English using company letterhead & stamp (must include position, address, phone number, department, and name of the issuing person)
If you are a student:
Student certificate from the current school in English
Student Card/ College student card
 Parent's Current Account
15.   Parent's permit in English (if a child under the age of 17 goes alone, sign over a 10,000 duty stamp and include copies of both parent's identity cards)
16.   Husband's permit in English (if the wife goes alone, sign over a 10,000 duty stamp and include copies of the husband's identity card and husband's current account)

Process: 30-60 working days

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